Here I play a quick game of Phoenix on my custom built vertical Multicade. Even though I have played this game since around 1980 I still utterly stink at it. But it is still fun!
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I've been playing Phoenix for about a month on my Raspberry PI and have only approached your score once. You don't "stink" at it. You're pretty good. It's a fun game! 🙂
What I remember about Video game parlors was the stench of stale cigarettes burned into the consoles and the associated depression encountered through the loss of hundreds of quarters. I bought a TI 99/4a and Commodore 64 as a remedy to the lost quarters and even programmed a 6502 assembly language game for the C64. The C64 was ten times better than the TI 99/4a. The 99/4a was pretty slow. The C64 had a bigger audience and a more vibrant programmer community.
excellent sound as well:
awww memories, used to repair these games yrs ago BUT could never play em, even though everyone thought I would be the best at it….;-)
My most fav all time game was a pinball game called Centuar
I could actually taste beer while I watched this.
What devices were used in your multicade?
LOVED that game!!!
I have the Atari 2600 version, but I have played the original arcade version, and I could have sworn the sound effects were a little different.. But I loved the arcade machines musical intro. So simple, yet so creepy.
It's awesome that the right hand keeps twitching on that fire button even between stages. That, madam, is the trait of a true, full-size cabinet arcade-o-holic. I will insert two credits in your honor!
Oh Fran! This is wonderful… X
Somebody is having WAY too much fun. Knock it off. LOL.
I LOVE this game!
This was my favorite game in 81/82. Played it for hours on long breaks in the clubs. That was awesome Fran..
How cool is that? Still fun after all these years!