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The CuteUino modular microcontroller system. Music by Frantone.
The CuteUino modular microcontroller system. Music by Frantone.
WOW! Could you provide a scheme for this amazing block?
On uploading Arduino sketch, what type of board should I set? Thank you!
Could you make it a little smaller please? I can still see what I'm working with.
I want one!
you can save time, space & budget in your design by removing the USB chip & circuitry if you use an ATmega32U4, as arduino leonardo boards do.
Not sure what chip you're using here (couldn't make it out from the video or pictures), but if you use an atmega32u4 (as can be found on the newer arduino leonardos), you can drop the USB module (or just make it a chipless board), since it has a USB client device on-chip. I think you can also drop the external oscillator, since it comes with a 16MHz on-board oscillator if memory serves right, but you may want to check that.
More Music?
Thanks everyone! CuteUino will remain in the prototype stage for the time being.
Your packaging design reminds me of some of the very early integrated circuits and potting containers for coils that resembled a cube. Your idea of stacking them like that is original AFAIK. Nifty!
wow this is outright brilliant and cute:D
can we make these at home? 🙂
could you please show us how u did it. thanks :*
its cute n all. but the formfactor seems pretty useless to me. or can you use it on a breadboard like that?
What's the difference between this video and the original CuteUino video you previously posted?
I agree.. you planning on mass producing these?
How do I buy? Take my money!! 😉
Nice – these are true 'building blocks'.
Love it!