Check out these books - Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky and I Want To Be Calm by Harriet Griffey. Also I recommend listening to the recordings of Alan Watts and reading the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Drink tea, and carry on!
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Of course, there are many hundreds (thousands probably) of books on self help. However, a very good starter book for the topic is "Handbook to Higher Consciousness" by Ken Keyes. Managing stress, or just not having any of it if you don't want, is a worthwhile thing. But not the only thing. But some argue that you operate at peak efficiency with at least a little stress. I don't know if that's true. Probably is for some, perhaps not for others.
We love your videos Fran . Its Fran in the lab
Why Zebras was one of my favorite reads when it came out.
Was that a slurping sound? What the??
I'd love a great book on how to retain what I read. Love this channel!!!
I find that if I keep my tongue up on the roof of my mouth while I'm doing the breathing exercise, it does two things …it slows my breathing/ resperation rate and makes the air that I breath out warmer, which has a calming effect. It might be a comfort in warmth thing or a throwback to hiding from predators because I think breathing out through your nose filters the air coming out and is quieter. It's also nearly impossible to breath out through your nose when you're running so it might help to convince your brain that you're either safe or hiding. It's difficult to hide from a predator if you're hyperventilating and your heart is thumping away like a raindance bongo!
Thank you, I needed this right now. It helped me calm down and chill a bit.
Fran, we should do a web series on 80's nostalgia together. This comment isn't at all related to this video; I was just thinking.
Thank you a lot for that!
"Starring Peter Jones as . . . The Book" – love that intro. I learned the calming techniques through experience, first by meditating, later when target shooting, which is actually very much like meditating when done correctly. Usually when others start to panic I get really calm and focused on solving the actual problem, which somehow changed my fight-or-flight reflex to peaceful curiosity, leading to some very nice encounters with large dogs (Rottweilers can purr like kittens) and feral cats.
You're sexy
I am going to check these books out I'm always looking for ways to cope with stress…thanks Fran
I habve been diagnosed adhd recently Fran… curious how i was drawn to your channel… long time now. What medication do you take?
Turns out while I've been working from home, my colleagues back at the "factory" have had serious stress trying to set up and issue laptops and tablets for the rest of the organisation, many hundreds needed. I'm hoping to help keep them chilled from afar, and much of this advice will be very useful.
Must admit, I do enjoy a mug of redbush tea now and then, very soothing.
Stay cool Fran, in this world of problems you are part of the solution!